Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our electricity bill's come down!

Our landlord came over a couple of days ago to hand us the electricity bill. There were 2 pages of information attached to the bill, and it was about people stealing electricity and if you suspect this is happening to you, to contact the Electricite du Cambodge.

Our electricity bill for November was 175000 riels, around US$42. Our electricity bill has dropped by about 35% recently, so I checked the rates. It is still the same at 820 riels (over US20 cents) per kwh. So I thought maybe this is the cool season so we did not switch on the air-con at all but this did not seem to make sense we seldom switch it on anyway.

So I compared this November bill with last November's. I know what it was because I wrote about Cambodia's expensive electricity then. Our bill for November 2007 was US$65.

We have not done anything differently, if anything, we are consuming more electricity because we now have 2 laptops instead of one.

So I'm assuming we were paying someone else's electricity bill last year. Hacking into other people's electricity supply is common here and one reader wrote to me about her huge bill (More electricity woes).

I just wonder what happened. Did the family move? Anyway, I'm just happy to be able to save money and I guess to finally pay a fair amount for what we consume.

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